Thursday, January 31, 2008

Way Below Freezing

It has been unreasonably cold here the last few days. It's been so cold that I couldn't leave the house without pants like I said I was going to in my last post; if I had, I'm pretty sure my nuts would have crawled up inside me and my foreskin would have snapped off. And that would be shitty.

It was so cold that the doors on the bus froze shut, and the other passengers and I were trapped inside. It was so cold that I have frostbite on my nose from the three-minute walk from the busstop to my house. It was so cold that when I farted outside, the fart froze in midair, fell to the ground, and shattered into thousands of smelly little shards. OK, I made that last one up, but you get my point. It has been so cold that I've been seriously re-evaluating my decision to live here.

You want to know what's worse than driving around when it's 35 below? Changing a flat tire when it's 35 below. My day pretty much sucked. How was yours?


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Monday, January 28, 2008

Something I found on Drudge Report

Go here to see what I found on Drudge Report. To me, the funniest thing about the article is that the name of the town is "Brattleboro".

Also, I've noticed that this blog has become a place where I post stuff I found online that I want you to see. That's fine, I guess, but this blog used to be about me, and lately, that hasn't been the case. I suppose that's because nothing of consequence has been seen by/done to me in quite a while. Am I in a rut? Maybe I'll try leaving the house tomorrow without pants, and see if that results in anything worth talking about. I never really liked pants anyway.


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Thursday, January 24, 2008

My Normal Approach

My smart-ass cousin Kev posted this little gem as a note on his bookface thing last month, and I liked it, so I stole it and put it on my blog for you all to enjoy.

Wipe out with your gripe out,


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Thursday, January 17, 2008

More Cartoony Goodness

I just about spat water all over my computer, this comic made me laugh so hard. I think it's only funny to me because the drawing looks SO MUCH like Jordan and Anne's hell-dog, Ginger.

What a fuckin' stupid looking dog! Ha ha!


Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Natalie Dee

I just discovered a new thing that I like! Here it is!

I likes to laugh.


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Sunday, January 13, 2008

Keg Party and Curling

Lee celebrated his birthday on Saturday, so I spent most of Sunday recovering. I slept for roughly 16 hours, then I went curling. Now I'm going back to bed. I hope you all feel better than I do. Blech.


Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Achewood - Beef's Blog

I really liked Roast Beef's blog entry this week, mostly because I can relate to the idea of getting all worked up over a conversation about something that I shouldn't give a shit about to begin with. Check it out here.


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Sunday, January 06, 2008


Married to the Sea wins again!

Friday, January 04, 2008

Today I Became a Realist

A girl I used to work with left the following as a "note" on Facebook. I liked it, and I wanted you to see it. If I didn't know any better, I'd say that it will be set to music, if it isn't already.

Today I Became a Realist

the sad face of dreamers, waking to the life that passed them by. they follow forever the flame that holds their eyes. they march in place, straight to their graves. they hold their hands, whispers in the air. what fills our eyes is what makes our lives, as they kick the dust just to remember the light.

the poorly drawn believers, fading in the towing of the tide. they sink here forever, stark as stone inside. they insure their names, in spots on graves, in the idle hands of idle days. as we fill our lives, we all realize how we spend our days is what becomes our lives.

sail on quick. fly past the world. find me a love.

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Spring is Sprung

It is sunny and three degrees above freezing right now in Saskatoon, on the fourth of January. I'm sure next week we'll have a blizzard and it'll be cold enough to freeze the brass off a monkey's balls, but for now it's pretty much perfect. I'm actually looking forward to going outside again after lunch. That basically never happens between November and March.


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Thursday, January 03, 2008

Back to the Grind

My Christmas holidays were nice and relaxing, and I enjoyed having a few drinks with some old friends and hanging out with my niece. I was up at the lake for 8 days, which was just about long enough, but not quite. Now I'm back in Saskatoon, back at work, and everything is pretty alright. I still like my job, and I'm slowly getting back in touch with all the people I know here in the city.

Not much else to report right now; further bulletins as events warrant.


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