Tuesday, September 05, 2006


Summer is finally over. And I'm glad. I've never felt this way at the end of a summer before, but I'm actually happy that September is here. We got through the long weekend, we did our final cleaning-up, we ate the last of the chicken fingers, we sold off the last of the beer (I took home a gross amount, 12 dozen) and we called it a season. It was a long haul, and I'm glad that it's finished, but I had a pretty good year, and I'm sure that I'll start to miss it after a little while. It was actually a pretty good job, in the sense that I got paid to watch T.V., play pool, drink beer, and take naps, but it was a pretty bad job in the sense that I had to do that stuff 70+ hours a week for pretty much all of July. When you HAVE to do it, it's not quite as much fun, and work started to seriously get in the way of my having a good time, which is NEVER acceptable, especially not at the lake.

As of yesterday, I'm unemployed, and I couldn't be happier. I don't have a job lined up or a place to live, so I guess I'm pretty much a bum right now. I'm not even going to start looking for a job for at least a week. That should give me some time to recharge the old batteries.

I'm sorry it's been so long since I posted, but let's be honest with each other, ok? I'm probably not going to blog again until
1. Something worth blogging about happens to me, and
2. I live in a place with an internet connection that doesn't totally suck balls.

So this might be all you get for a while. I'm gonna go to bed, have a steak for breakfast, and then drink a beer on my boat-ride down to Sunnyside to play golf. I have the best life.



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