Monday, October 13, 2008

Thanksgiving and Wedding

I went to a wedding in P.A. this Thanksgiving weekend. My cousin Cecette got hitched, and my family is a pretty good time, so weddings are always fun. I got up to the lake for a couple of days, and the weather was just about perfect. I took my boat out of the water this afternoon, and doing that always makes me a little sad, even though I didn't use my boat at all this summer. Actually, that makes me pretty sad too.

I've been kind of shitty lately. I feel like crap and I don't have any energy. I also havn't been sleeping that well, but I think that's a symptom, and not a cause. Well, maybe it's a bit of both. All last week it was cold and rainy and just generally ass-y, and the weather suited my mood perfectly. I'm not looking forward to winter. If only it were possible for me to hibernate...maybe I'll give that a try. See you in the spring, jerk-offs.

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