Thursday, November 20, 2008

La Mer

I didn't know this until today, but Bobby Darin's "Beyond the Sea" was originally this song by Charles Trenet. Ah, internet. What can't you teach me?

I need ideas for how to spend my Christmas money that my dad gave me. Send in your suggestions, and if I like your idea, I'll use my money on it. If I don't like your idea, I'll punch you real hard in the shoulder next time I see you.* The winning idea gets a prize! If nobody sends me an idea that I really like, I'll probably just spend the money on pizza, beer, and videogames, so keep in mind that your idea has to be better than pizza, beer, and videogames. Good luck topping that.


*by sending me your idea, you agree that I get to punch you if I don't like it, and you aren't allowed to hit me back or seek revenge against me in any other way, ever.

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At 7:25 AM , Blogger mmrilla said...

Do you have enough to get a monkey? I would get a monkey.

At 10:42 AM , Blogger Amy said...

Come down and visit us in sunny California!

At 10:44 AM , Blogger T. said...

Those are both good ideas, but I don't have enough money for a Monkey or a trip to California. But since I like your suggestions, no arm-punches.

At 7:54 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

If I had a lot of money, I'd buy you a hat. I suggest the same (roles reversed).


At 5:57 PM , Blogger FourLeafClover said...

Dammit... I was going to say beer.. but it was first off the bat.. well, second after pizza.

Both good choices, really. I could use a beer.

At 10:50 PM , Blogger T. said...

Brennan, a hat is a good idea.
Jasmine, have a beer.


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